I think most men are just aching for their significant other to ask them to try on a pair of panties. Most men love the feeling of wearing panties, pantyhose or lingerie, though all won't admit it, its a macho thing. Many woman enjoy seeing other sides to there husband besides just the macho side. Being playful and having fun in a relationship and being able to show different sides is very important to woman. For some men who wear panties it started with there wife or girlfriend suggesting that they try on some panties, and for some wearing panties started very early on way before dating. For those that had a wife or girlfriend ask them to try on some panties, its sort of shock as they slip the panties up and are overwhelmed by how great they feel, many say why didnt I try this years ago. Many woman enjoy seeing there husband wearing panties and seeing him wearing something a bit on the softer side, however he will be anything but soft when he slips on those panties if you know what I mean. For woman looking to spice things up try dressing up your husband in some panties, pantyhose or lingerie you will be amazed at how much he enjoys it, in fact he might already be enjoying it alone as many men do enjoy wearing panties, pantyhose or lingerie and would love to be able to enjoy it in front of there wife or girlfriend. For most men who wear panties, pantyhose or lingerie it would be a dream come true if there wife or girlfriend asked them to wear panties, pantyhose or lingerie, and for some guys that dream has come true so there is lots of hope for those who are wishing they could enjoy wearing panties, pantyhose or lingerie in front of there wife or girlfriend. Whether you are asked to wear them by your wife or girlfriend or whether you tell her being able to wear in front of your wife or girlfriend is such a relief for many who wear in secret, and having a supportive wife or girlfriend of your enjoyment of wearing panties, pantyhose or lingerie makes for a much healthier relationship as your not stressed about her finding out. Many woman do enjoy seeing a guy wearing panties, pantyhose or lingerie and they do not feel its weird or wrong, but we are all different and not all woman will be as open minded and accepting. However more and more woman are realizing just how many men enjoy this and they are becoming more open minded to it and even curious about seeing a guy in panties, pantyhose or lingerie. Many woman will approach there husband or boyfriend and ask them to put on there panties, pantyhose or lingerie, many woman do like to be in control sometimes and be a little dominate and seeing there husband or boyfriend in panties, pantyhose or lingerie and controlling his pleasure can be very exciting to them.